Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sentosa Seagrass Transect

Hello all! Had a great start to a day by waking up at 5am in order to reach Sentosa's last natural shore on time with low tide. Though I was sleepy and tired, the nature enthusiasism never seem to run out throughout the day and time passed real fast while we were having loads of fun. God's creation are marvellous. Just look at the biodiversity of the creatures living there! Today I was not really my usual self, rather I was estatic and shuffling about the whole stretch of shore like a kid in a playground nonstop. Kudos to the Wild Singapore team, esp Ria and Siti, for organising this event. They really took a lot of hardwork and heart into preparing everything "swee swee" or beautiful for us. Thanks also for our Team Halo for all the good job, we had good company. Siling backed out last min, oh sad man, you missed out a lot. :P

I have a lot of photos I wanna share, it's going to flood my blog. I don't care cos they are so beautiful! Let the picture do the talking, not me k?

(Credits: All photos taken by Team Halo's camera belonging to Irene, except 1st & 3rd last photos by WW, 2nd last photo by Raymond and last photo by Ria on her Wildfilm blog)

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Good morning Sentosa!

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Nice cliff behind the shore

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How the transect square is laid for measurement and observation

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A cutey nudibranch

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Hairy Crab

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This looks very interesting

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Is this a coral or a sponge?

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Spider treading across

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Sea Anemone retracted inwards due to heat and no water, it responded to our itchy fingers. :P

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Hard coral, think called Tongue Slipper Coral

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Another coral with the colony of polyps

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A closer look. These stuffs responded by closing to the stimuli induced by me :P

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Reall pretty nudibranch! Made Yvonne very excited

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Again, dunno Coral or sponge?

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Blue Sponge

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Crab hiding under a coral

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School of catfishes that swam passed me!

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More unknown objects.. opps

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Crappy Crab

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Beautiful greenish coral

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Ria named these 'fingered' pink soft coral as 'surgical-glove leathery coral'. Haha!

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Can you spot two fighting or I dunnoe, perhaps mating crabs?

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A green seaworm or seasnake gliding across

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Pretty little blue fish, photo destroyed by murky waters we created

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Well camouflaged fish

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Don't you dare step on a fireworm... sure you will get high!

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A green nudibranch and a flower crab cohabiting... hee

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Lots of pitcher plants at the coast

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Tanjong Rimau beacon, near Fort Siloso

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Me me and me. The nature enthusiastic side of me.

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Team Halo! Gaytri, Me, Irene and Yvonne

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Nemo, my OG. Shuying, Grace, me, Ket Pin and Raymond

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Shout Horray! Well done folks :)

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