Sunday, January 21, 2007

Chek Jawa 20/01/07

Finally a trip to Chek Jawa. This time together with Team Seagrass for orientation. Really feel fortunate to go with them for many reasons. Though its a volunteer thing, I feel the amt of work I volunteered is less compared to the time and effort and money they forked out to plan everything. Even the boat rides were waived. They had also prepared vans to fetch us there. To go there is really difficult because the entranced is guarded and getting there is another problem with bicycle. They prepared everything for us, all we have to do is to be there and help out with the actual work. To be out with the avid nature lovers was really great as we marvel at God's creations. God is good because due to reasons I cant make it on Sun so I prayed that please dont rain on Sat when I go so I can no need return on Sun. Indeed God is really good. It was raining elsewhere at Tekong and Punggol etc real heavily but not at Chek Jawa. We only had a few minutes of drizzling. Ria even suggested it will rain heavily for long time after analysing the clouds. Thank God!

Chek Jawa is a great place to be soaked in the tranquility of nature.

The gloomy weather was nothing compared to the mass death at Chek Jawa due to torrential rain both in SG and Johor bringing freshwater (from rain and Johor River) to that place. Because of osmotic pressure reasons, they were exploding and dying everywhere. Hope it will be back to colourful and healthy state soon.

Deaths of Chek Jawa

Living things are still around! Beautiful. I hope to see Chek Jawa back more alive the next time. Thanks Raymond, Shuying, Edwin n Siling for taking their time out to join us. I believe we all really enjoyed the whole thing.

Night falls

Fabulous dinner @ Bedok