Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dead fish on Pasir Ris shore

Ria posted on her blog about dead fish reported on Pasir Ris beach from The Straits Times. So we thought we should go take a look since we are worried that the heavy rains may also affect the shore as well.

And indeed they were lots of dead fish! This is piled up by the cleaner and there are many many more lying all over the shore during the low tide.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Intertidal sea stars of Singapore

Being a huge sea star fanatic, I felt compelled to blog about these lovely stars in this compilation of most, if not all the known intertidal sea stars that has been sighted in Singapore. It's been a great pleasure to know that so many species of sea stars can be found on our shores: and in this post there are about 20 odd of them!

I will not go into the details of their features and every behaviour but probably just some bits of interesting facts.

The first sea star according to alphabetical order of scientific name is the Cake sea star (Anthenea aspera).

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tanah Merah: Brightly led

Probably one of the rare chances to visit Tanah Merah in the bright afternoon, we had a good look of the surroundings.

Even the cityscape was visible. We were once again blessed with good weather that allowed us to explore the shore. This time, I brought my friends: Chun Fong, Lester, Bingquan and Yang Yuan for their first time here.

Friday, December 18, 2009

First time to Sembawang beach

It's my first time to Sembawang beach during low tide. I cannot recall when was the last time I came here, or did I ever came here before. Anyway, it was a relaxing trip with James, Wen Qing and Chun Fong.

Not only was it relaxing for us, the shore is a popular place for Singaporeans to de-stress. Many of them were fishing as well.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Slow and easy at Tanah Merah

During the last trip of this low tide series, we decided to go slow and easy and visit Tanah Merah.

We started off during sunset. With the cool weather and a tranquil environment, this definitely beats going to a crowded shopping centre on a weekend evening. There were lots of interesting creatures waiting for us to explore.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Escape from stonefish at Tanah Merah

Yesterday at Tanah Merah, I had a close shave from stepping on a Hollow-cheeked stonefish (Synanceia horrida).

I was actually first wanting to look at the Dolphin shell snail (Angaria delphinus) circled in red. When I got closer to the snail and squatted down, I was shocked to see a face among the debris and that was the infamous stonefish. Can you find the stonefish in this photo?

First time to Ubin's other shores

Given that Chek Jawa is so popular for its marine habitats, I believe that other shores of Ubin do also can be as exciting. Therefore, a small team of us decided to join along to explore a new shore that I've visited before previously during high tide. This is also my first time to Ubin's other shores.

Pulau Ubin and Sekudu is famous and well known for its rock formations. We have a "frog formation" at Sekudu and here at Ubin there is a rock formation that looks like a creature, perhaps a sea turtle? haha. More about these magnificient rocks at Joseph Lai's webpage.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hornbills at Ubin

Was at Ubin for intertidal walk but before that, it was pleasant to spot many hornbills flying across from tree to tree.

Here's three of them on top of leaf blades. Later on, we saw another two on another tree.

Cyrene Reef with Teamseagrass

After an afternoon of rain, we were once again blessed with good weather at Cyrene! This time for the last Teamseagrass monitoring of the year.

We were shorthanded so each of us has to do a single transect by ourselves. Nevertheless, all of us got the monitoring done, which is great. Here's Jocelyne working hard on her transect. It's hers and Kah Ming's first time to Cyrene as well.