Sunday, February 28, 2010

Two new nudi sightings for me!

After a long month of absence from the shores, I am back this time at Semakau to do guiding. Yes, I haven't guided at Semakau for more than half a year. Therefore, I was pretty excited about today's trip.

My excitement materialized partly to be two first-time nudibranch sightings for me personally, though some others may have seen them before.

The first nudibranch is the Varicose phyllid nudibranch (Phyllidia varicosa)! It is bigger than the other usual phyllid nudibranchs that we see. And it is just so stunningly beautiful with its bright colours!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Video of penis fencing in flatworms

For the first time, I got to witness penis fencing in flatworms before my own eyes!

What is penis fencing in flatworms?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Videos of corals off Semakau-Sakeng

Here's the videos that I took during the trip. As the tide was not low enough, still photography was a challenge. Taking video clips was a better alternative. :)

Corals off Semakau-Sakeng seawall from Loh Kok Sheng on Vimeo.