Sunday, July 25, 2010

Having a hell of a time at Hantu

We are back at Hantu to take a look at the current situation of the bleaching that has been around for the past couple of months.

Across Pulau Hantu is an island, Pulau Bukom where there are lots of petrochemical installations that are well lit at night.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

"Hunter seeking" at Semakau

Today was supposedly guiding day at Semakau but since some participants did not turn up, I went to help out with hunter seeking instead. It's my first time doing it!

Hunter seeking simply means to help find animals for the participants so that they need not trample all over the place to look at them instead. Of course, we will release the animals back to where they were previously found after the walk.

The day started off with rain but that did not dampen our spirit!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cyrene in the dark

Yesterday was our second trip to Cyrene Reef in the DARK! Yes, complete darkness. But our reefs are usually more alive at night because there is no scorching sun. Talk about the night is still young, these creatures love to party all night long.

This photo was taken when the sun was near the horizon towards the end of the trip. I like this scenic postcard shot of the knobbly sea stars against the dawn with the giant cranes of Pasir Panjang at the background.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Article on Coral conservation in Singapore

I came across this article on Lianhe Zaobao this morning and it is about our corals in the southern waters.

With lots of pretty photos, the article is titled as allowing our corals to thrive in our southern waters. Despite Singapore being such a small country, or also known as a red dot on the world map, we have 256 out of the total 800 coral species in the world. That makes up about 32%!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Some videos of our shore life

Here are some videos that I took during the last month's worth of field trips to share with you here in my blog. Enjoy!

Basket star (Family Euryalidae) from Loh Kok Sheng on Vimeo.