Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Colours of Big Sisters shore

Our shores are pretty and colourful and murky waters really does not do them justice. On a good low tide when the waters are shallower and clearer, one can explore and discover the kaleidoscope of pretty marine life.

I have decided to go (nearly) without words for this post on my recent Big Sisters Island trip so that you can let the picture speak a thousand words. Enjoy the pictoral! :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cartoon slug at Big Sisters Island

I saw the cartoonish slug again this evening at Big Sisters Island! :)

On a not-so-low tide out on the reefs, we could not really venture out far to find marine creatures. I was glad to be still able to see something special!

An evening with the Hantu

Setting off from the pier, here we were back at Pulau Hantu again! It has been more than half a year since I've set foot on this island.

The tide was still a little high when we arrived. What caught our first attention will be a layer of floatsam ringing around the island.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Punggol shore is alive!

Punggol shore is a surprise to me, at least! I used to have the mentality that shores beyond the north of Loyang and Pasir Ris will not be as lively as Changi and other nearby shores.

I remember from my old textbook, "Singapore's Biophysical Environment", that Punggol Point is one of the few localities in Singapore (together with P. Tekong and P. Sajahat) to have Sajahat Formation as its basic rock unit. This may explain why the shore looks a bit similar to that of Beting Bronok of Tekong and has more life than I expected.

Among some special finds of the day, we saw this stunning Rose nudibranch (Dendrodoris fumata) which was spotted during our previous trip too. Thanks to James for finding it!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Visits from Singapore Botanic Gardens

This is a post that is long overdue. Last month, I made a few visits to Singapore Botanic Gardens (SBG).

It has been a long while since I last visited SBG. So what drew me there this time?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A brief look at Seletar shore

After a few visits of Seletar, finally I'm here at Seletar shore for my first time to see what kind of marine life thrives in the sand and mudflat.

The shore is in front of the dam cutting Johor Straits and lower Seletar Reservoir. Quite a large expanse of the shore is exposed! On the right is a bridge that links to Pulau Punggol.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Checking out Kranji

I admit I'm not really a mangrovey person but somehow, there will be some interesting creatures that will eventually lure me into the soft mud. After reading about the pretty Mangrove Leaf Slugs (Elysia bangtawaensis) from Ron's blog, I decided to head down to have a look at them too!

After visiting Sungei Buloh so many times, I get to set foot on Kranji Nature Trail for my first time yesterday with the company of the double-James. Haha! I was first greeted with a short stretch of boardwalk.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011 from Venus Drive

Happy 2011 new year to everyone!

2011 is the International Year of Forests. And here we were (James, Geraldine, Edna and myself) at Venus Drive forest to celebrate the last few hours of 2010 and entering into year 2011. It was also my first time on a terrestrial night trip to have a look at the critters found in the forest.