Monday, March 28, 2011

St John's shore with TJC students

Last Saturday, I back on the shores guiding a group of TJC IP students at the sandy lagoon of St John's Island.

The creeper snails were among the first organisms that greeted them on the shore. These snails are EVERYWHERE! This also provided an opportunity to learn that every inch of the shore is alive and that we should be cautious not to trample and hurt the shore.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sentosa shore with Dunman High students

After months of planning and preparation, this day finally arrived! This is our first time planning a shore field trip for the Bio Olympiad students. They are here to have a first hand experience in studying more about the different marine organisms found in both sandy and rocky shores.

Our destination is the natural and wild underwater world, situated right in front of the aquariums of the Underwater World of Sentosa.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Escape to Ubin on a weekday!

My school declared holiday today due to the good A-level results. As such, I brought along two of my colleagues and we escaped to Ubin as a retreat from work!

Despite the horrible thunderstorm in the early mornings, we were eventually blessed with clear weathers and a cool morning. Our first stop was Chek Jawa Boardwalk. When we reached there at about 10am, we realized that we are probably the first visitor of the day.