Monday, October 31, 2011

Slugs galore at Pulau Sekudu

Yesterday was the first time I visited Pulau Sekudu during an evening low tide! Just like BB, visiting Sekudu is an annual event which I would always look forward to.

Though this northern island just off Pulau Ubin is very small, Sekudu has many fascinating rock formations surrounded by a small stretch of sand bar and a large expanse of intertidal shore.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Marvellous finds from Lost Coast!

We are back at the Lost Coast after close to two years! This is one trip that I have been really waiting for because our previous trip here during a not-so-low tide reveals that this is a special sandy shore. Special thanks to Travis, Ria, Alex and Jumari for making this trip possible.

We saw many rare creatures during the trip but none can compare to this large Astropecten sand star (Astropecten sp.) which I have never seen before! It is a beauty!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Semakau guided walk with SJI

I spent my Deepavali holiday guiding a group of students from St Joseph's Institution at our fabulous shore of Pulau Semakau!

Though they are currently working on marine-related school projects, it is their first time exploring our natural shores looking at seagrasses and corals. It was great to be able to share with them our marine biodiversity without having to swim or dive!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Civets aka musang of Siglap

I have heard so much about the Common or Asian palm civets (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus) at Siglap and finally found a night out with Ron and James to see them with my own eyes.

We were quite fortunate to see about 3-4 of them within a short period at dusk. Many of these civets move rather fast so we usually could see them more with our eyes than we could photograph them.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cute variable squirrels of Bidadari Cemetery

I'm back after 2.5 weeks of NS reservist training! Itching for some nature photography, I cycled to Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon as I kind of missed the cute variable squirrels.

And wow, I managed to spot three of them during my 1.5 hours there and captured several nice cute shots of them.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back to underwater garden of Tuas

It has been two years since I have visited the pretty and colourful shores of Tuas. And I was glad to be back here with Sheryl and Ria who are monitoring the seagrasses. Bee Yan was here to survey the crabs at the small stretch of mangroves.

I headed out to the Merawang Beacon to have a look at how the reef is doing and was glad to find several beautiful hard corals and sea fans.