Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sea Fan-tasy at East Coast Park

What a fan-tastic way to explore the sea fan-tasy of East Coast Park on a good low spring tide! Such much about the fan pun... simply because there are many sea fans (and of course marine life) on the shores of ECP. Yes you didn't hear wrongly, there's awesome stuffs even on our reclaimed beaches.

The top find of the day must be this Spindle or False cowrie snails (Family Ovulidae) which probably is Pellasimnia cf. improcera. I have never seen it before!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Back to special reef of Sentosa at Serapong

I'm excited to be back at Serapong, a special reef of Sentosa, after about close to a year since our last visit!

The reef fringing the edge of the golf course is among the best within the vicinity of nearby reefs.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Glorious morning trip to Little Sisters

It's the low tide season again! Though it's always a drag to wake up at 3am plus, the wonders of God's creation is always worth the sacrifice.

Indeed, we were pleasantly surprised to witness such a pretty sunrise over the horizon! The momentary spectacular glow in the sky that looked like magma simply left us awe-struck.