Sunday, July 29, 2012

Underwater splendor of Terumbu Pempang Tengah

Last Saturday, we were on a predawn trip at Terumbu Pempang Tengah, a submerged reef which is only exposed during low spring tide. For the first time, I took some time to explore the reefy stretch near the deeper waters.

And I hit the mushroom coral jackpot! I have never seen so much mushroom corals aggregated together on an intertidal trip. Yes, this is not a diving nor snorkeling photo.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Slugs galore at Pulau Jong

We had a rain-free day at Pulau Jong this morning! And there were lots of beautiful sea slugs!

It's such a joy to be able to take a landscape photo of the charming Pulau Jong with bright sunlight shining on it. Simply because all of my previous 3 trips (latest was 2 years ago) to this island were associated with rain. 

Heart urchins at Sentosa shore

As usual, I was on my usual rounds of looking high and low for the elusive Galloping sea star (Stellaster equestris) on the Sentosa shore.

But instead, I stumbled upon two heart urchins! They were semi-buried underneath the sand. It's our first time finding them on this shore.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Rainy yet spectacular at Changi

Totally unexpected (and beyond the predictions of weather forecast), the heavens poured throughout the night and it affected our trip this morning. Despite trying to handle the DSLR camera, umbrella and torch together in the rain so as to explore another stretch of Changi shore, we still found many exciting creatures.

We can call today an apple day because quite a number of these psychedelic sea apple sea cucumbers were sighted.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Predawn surprises at Changi shore

I'm back at Changi with Ron to check out the shore this morning!

I was supposed to visit this stretch of Changi last month but had to abandon it at the very last minute due to my injury. Am so glad that I am in better condition now to have a look at the marine life on this particular shore after more than a year's absence.

There were quite a number of surprises on this predawn trip! One of which will be this tiny weeny greenish seahorse!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Guiding at Semakau

About a week ago, I was back at Semakau guiding a group of public participants who have signed up for the trip with RMBR.

Without fail, I will coax the visitors to give a wacky pose to take the group photo along the "long kang" or dead zone of the seagrass meadow.