Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Slugful day at Ubin shore

We saw quite a number of lovely sea slugs on our trip to Ubin shore last week!
One of the many slugs we saw was this slug with many pretty dots and large feathery gills.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Wild abalones at Big Sisters Island!

Unknown to many, we have wild Abalones (Haliotis sp.) in our local waters! And I finally get to find two of them on our weekend trip to Big Sisters Island.

I was surprised to see for myself the two green eye stalks that stick out from beneath the shell of the abalone! They are so cute!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Breathtaking trip to the Lost Coast

It's almost a miracle to enjoy both a rain-free weather and a breathtaking landscape view of the shore and the blue skies during our annual visit to Changi East, a shore which we call it as the Loast Coast. Many thanks to Travis for first introducing us to this place!

In this remote shore tucked at one corner of the huge piece of reclaimed land, we get to enjoy a rare landscape scenery where we can see the horizon without much obstruction. So what lies there on this seemingly boring and lifeless reclaimed shore?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Changi rocky shore in the rain

It's the December rainy season where exploring the shores during low tide becomes more tricky as I need to balance holding both the umbrella and the DSLR camera without getting myself wet.

Nevertheless, the wet weather did not deter Ron and myself from having a look at this stretch of rocky shore at Changi.

Highlights of trips with Northern Expedition 2012

This is a blog post on some of the highlights of trips made in October that is long overdue. I joined some of the trips with the Northern Expedition at the Mega Marine Survey and we surveyed shores along the Straits of Johor.

My dream of visiting the Western shores of Pulau Ubin was fulfilled as I tagged along the team surveying Tanjong Tajam on the first day. The last time I visited this part of Ubin was as a student as part of the OBS experience. The rock formation at Tajam remains as majestic as ever.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Surprises among seaweed bloom at Terumbu Semakau

It's the Sargassum seaweed (Sargassum sp.) season where most reefs are ringed by thick blankets of the seaweed. However, this did not stop us from visiting our southern reefs!

Two weeks ago, a group of us visited a submerged reef, Terumbu Semakau which is situated right beside Semakau Landfill and near Pulau Jong (small island in a shape of a bun).