Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pink spotted sea cucumber identified!

Finally, the sea cucumber paper for the Pink spotted sea cucumber is published in Nature in Singapore.

This is the pink spotted sea cucumber that was not previously recorded in Singapore before until some of us shore explorers started seeing this unknown sea cucumber.

Siyang, Lionel and I decided to write a paper for this new record. Most credit goes to Siyang! With this paper, we can now confirm that this sea cucumber is called the Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea.

You may read the whole paper here (PDF file):

Teo, S., C. S. L. Ng & K. S. Loh, 2010. New record of a sea cucumber, Holothuria (Stauropora) fuscocinerea Jaeger, 1833 (Holothuroidea: Aspidochirotida: Holothuriidae) in Singapore. Nature in Singapore, 3: 133–137. [PDF, 1.10 MB]

More photos of this sea cucumber in my Flickr page:


  1. good job....waiting for your next excited everytime viewing your blog, sure got surprise for me...can I have your email add or msn? thx

  2. Hi, it's not convenient to leave my email address published. Maybe you give me yours and I'll email you back mine. Thanks!
