Monday, November 22, 2010

Chek Jawa boardwalk during Hari Raya

Woke up early to go Ubin with Pamela and her cell group on Hari Raya holiday last Wednesday. Yes, if you want to go Ubin and do not want to be stuck in long queues, it is best to go early and leave early!

While waiting for the rest to arrive at Changi, we had a look at the shrubs nearby and there were many butterflies! Thanks to Soon Chye for identifying, this large butterfly is the Great Mormon.

Here are a male and female Striped Albatross feeding on the nectar of the flowers.

And off we go! After we boarded the bumboat at Changi Point Ferry Terminal. There were no queues hehe!

When we were about to reach Ubin, we saw what looks like a Grey Heron (Ardea cinera) standing on a pole and feeding on it's fresh catch from the sea!

It was a short bumboat ride before we reached Ubin. The weather was great in the morning, which was a relief.

We decided to rent bicycles to cycle up to Chek Jawa and came across the majestic Pulai tree (Alstonia angustiloba) along the way. This forest giant towers above the forest canopy. Its elegant pagoda-like branches can be seen even from far.

Upon reaching Chek Jawa, it was not long before we saw several wild boars. And they do not really run far away from humans. Looks that the wild boars of CJ are rather tame in nature.

First stop of the boardwalk will be the mangroves. Biggest regret is that I forgot to wear long pants and did not bring insect repellent. So we were all feasted by the mossies. hehe!

Nevertheless, it was wonderful to encounter the Malayan water monitor!

Furthermore, the mangroves of Chek Jawa is home to several colourful fiddler crabs. Don't you think they are pretty?

Under the leaves of sea hibiscus trees are many Cotton stainer bugs (Dysdercus decussatus). Why are they called cotton stainers? They got their name because many Dysdercus species transfer microorganisms that stain the cotton bolls that they prefer to feed on. Feeding on the cotton bolls will in the process stain them.

And feeding on the seeds of the sea hibiscus tree are many other juvenile bugs.

It was high tide but everyone enjoyed the pretty scenery of Chek Jawa at the coastal boardwalk.

And as such, it's high time to take a nice group photo!

There were some fishes swimming among the waters and I was surprised to see an uprooted purple branching sponge floating at the surface.

The beacon at Chek Jawa still stands to direct ships that navigate along the Eastern Johor Straits.

And at the end of the walk, we decided to climb up the super high Jejawi tower!

Looking down from the peak, the boardwalk seems so small in comparison.

But being high has an added advantage- we were able to have a full panoramic view of the whole Chek Jawa and beyond.

Last but not least, we stopped by the visitor centre, also known as House no. 1. The ladies decided to do a leaping photo haha!

The rescue tank is back into action but there's only a couple of fishes inside at the moment.

Looking further out to Pulau Sekudu, I saw several kayakist just in front of House no. 1.

In a notice dated Sep 07, an area designated as Chek Jawa Wetlands was declared off limits to boaters, water recreational activities including fishing and swimming.

Looking closer, I realized that the rock formation of the frog can be seen here and there are also many terns perching on top of the rocks.

Soon, we cycled back to the village via a path that has a beautiful quarry along the way. The waters are fantastically blue.

Hungry we were, we had a sumptuous meal at one of the eateries (not forgetting the fried calamari!).

It's 1pm plus and just about time we head home... hehe! I'm thinking of coming back Ubin again for a terrestrial walk. Till next time!

More photos of the trip here:


  1. You must have missed a small group of people clearing some nets stuck in the sand near the start of the boardwalk near House #1!

  2. Oh yes, I think I saw! Forgot to mention in the post. Hope the cleanup was fruitful!

  3. The first butterfly is Great Mormon, 2nd & 3rd are Striped Albatross, 1 male & 1 female.
