Thursday, December 2, 2010

First look at Bidadari Cemetery

After hearing and seeing so many photos from Marcus Chua, Ron and Siyang, I decided I should also have a look at Bidadari Cemetery. In fact, the place is quite near to my house! Thus, I cycled there yesterday morning.

The graves of the cemetery have already been exhumed as the land will be used in the future. What remains as of now are green patches of grass and some trees with path roads across.

The cemetery is a popular haunt for joggers and runners. There is no need to run alongside roads and smell the exhaust gas from vehicles.

I even saw two people with a kite, though they were already leaving by the time I arrived.

The tembusu tree looks very magnificent against the sun. I love this shot!

The main objective of the trip was actually to look for Variable Squirrels (Callosciurus finlaysoni). And I was glad to spot one quite soon. It is so so cute!!

However, this fellow is actually a non-native, in other words, an exotic species in Singapore. According to the Wildlife Singapore website, the Variable Squirrel is native to Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and South Vietnam. Those seen in Singapore are actually escapees or released by irresponsible pet owners.

As a non native animal, the variable squirrel may cause threats to our biodiversity and habitat destruction by affecting the balance of the ecosystem. Variable Squirrels are known to strip off tree barks, causing damages to the trees. And indeed, I spotted the squirrel peeling off the bark.

Variable Squirrel from Loh Kok Sheng on Vimeo.

Here is a video I took of the adorable looking squirrel. Though it later demostrated its peeling bark skills. Hehe!

I spotted 3 of them in a short timespan of my look at the cemetery. This squirrel was actually on the grassland. It immediately run up the tree upon knowing that I drew closer.

And here it now, high up the tree...!

Below are more photos of my sightings during the trip (with birds).

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